Hari ke ... sekian
Udah dekat dengan The Announcment Day
If I have a bad result
I have to rearrange...all the plan
Am I still consistence with Plan "A"
Or I think another Plan ...
Plan Z for example ...
Tapi walopun blom ada pengumuman, tapi udah mulai nyiapin syarat yang lain
Soalnya kalo ngedadak takut ga keburu
Lagian minggu depan pingin liburan abis Annual Meeting
Jadi harus beres smuanya, di kampung halamanku kan gak ada kompi
So I have to finished it in here ... in Bandung
And I don’t have much time
Minggu setelah liburan ... kalo lancar aku harus sudah menghubungi bapak-bapak itu...
Mmh atau pas annual meeting aja ya...
Ya...ya...let me think about it after I get the result on Wednesday...
Iii deg-degan ... doakan ya, biar hasilnya sesuai target ...dan saya bisa melanjutkan ke tahap selanjutnya...
Kalopun tidak semoga saya bisa bersabar dan Allah mengganti dengan yang jauh lebih baik
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
I lost my phone cell, yesterday...
So for all my friends... don't contact me again with that's number...
Pertama nyadar HPku ilang,wajahku lempeng banget ...
So there is it
Rizkiku dan jodohku dengan HP itu memang hanya sampai disitu…
Belajar untuk bersabar
Semakin menyadari
It so simple like that for Him to take away everything that’s seems belong to us
But it wasn’t
Everything beside "infaq" and "amal" will disappear
....menghilang bersama waktu...
Alhamdulillah, Allah memberikan kesabaran,sehingga rasanya tak sesakit itu
Walo kadang-kadang suka kepikiran
Yaa jujur aja...a little bit...*_^..is ok isn't it?
Apalagi kalo ada bunyi bel rumah...khas banget bunyi sms HPku...
Bayangkan jika yang "diambil" adalah orang-orang terdekat...
Mamah ... apa ... Eteh ... Teh Ima ... Aa ... Childa ... nanda... Phila...
Or one of my best friends...
One of my little sisters ...
One of a prestigious person that I ever meet ...
Or perhaps husband or children ...
Am I gonna be that's strong?
I don't know...
Let God guide me through all this ... in His Way
The Wedding Planner
hehe..nyontek judul Film…ups..^_^…
sedikit mengulas dari 10 point yang kudapat…
point apa? Tunggu saja…akan kuceritakan, but you got to be patient….
Mulai dari mana ya?
Ok, suatu hari kancil dan rusa….
Alaah inimah gaya bahasa –na neng Ana…
Ga jadi ah…
Intinya I have a great pleasure, every time I am involved in my friends wedding..
Saking seringnya jadi panitia, Mamah-ku sampai nanya kapan dipanitian?
Jawab aja, nanti kalo point-nya sudah cukup…
Point apa?
Aku, dan teman-temanku suka bercanda tentang point ini. Setiap jadi panitia..maka point nya nambah satu ^_*
One day, one of my friends ask me.
Why I am so enthusiast when somebody ask me to involve in their wedding…
The answer is a brighter face in their faces, in the bride and the groom face…
Apalagi kalo mereka dipertemukan dengan cara yang baik…
Tanpa pacaran ataupun ta’aruf yang tak ahsan…
Seeing a great Magic inside it..
How is Allah give love in a special way…
So pure….
That’s make me always want to be a part of that’s happiness situation…
Again and again…
Be a part of our sister happiness time…
Once time moment in their live….
It is a great pleasure for me…
It make me addicted …
To be a part of it…
So, jadi kepikiran…kayaknya seru kalo jadi Wedding Planer…
It seems so busy…but its fun…
Even it makes us tired, but its worth enough
Seeing a happiness smile in their faces
In touch with the situation….mengharukan….
Dan satu lagi…
Berkah di saat akad…
Yeah..jarang-jarang datang ke akad kecuali kalo jadi panitia….
It seems a great “carrier” to be A Wedding Planer…
Do you agree with me…
Yes, you have to…
** edisi latihan bahasa inggris...saran dari teman untuk berlatih menulis...jadi mun...masih ada salah maafin yee.... namanya juga lagi belajar.....^_^
Who should I give my love to?
My respect and my honor to?
Who should I pay good mind to-
after Allah and Rasulullah
Comes your mother,
Who next? Your mother,
Who next? Your mother,
And then your father
Cause who used to hold you
And clean you clothe you?
Who used to feed you
And always be with you?
When you were sick, stay up all night
Holding ou tight?
That’s right no other, my mother
Who should I take good care of,
Gving all my love?
Who should I think the most of-
After Allah and Rasulullah?
Comes your mother
Who next? Your mother,
Who next? Your mother,
And then your father
Caused who used to hear ou
Before you could talk?
Who used to hold you?
Before you could walk?
And when you feel , who’d pick you up?
Clean our cut?
No one but, your mother, my mother
Who should I stay right close to?
Listen most to
Never say no to-
After Allah and Rasulullah?
Comes your mother
Who next? Your mother,
Who next? Your mother,
And then your father
Cause who used to huge you
And buy you a new clothes?
Comb our hair and blow your nose?
And when you cried who whipped our tears?
Knows our fears?
Who really cares?
My mother
Say Alhamdulillah
Thank you Allah
Thank you Allah for my mother
Is a great song, isn’t it?
I like this song a lot…
Specially when I hear a pure voices who sing it, a kids voice
His name is Rashid A. Bhikha..
When the first time I hear, I falling in love to this song right a way…
A pure voice with a good lyric inside it…
Touch my heart deeply…
Wake my heart…
Remind me to my mother…
To a mother wherever they are…
How a mother has a great influence to their child…
The first touch they feel is a mother touch…
The first speech they hear is mother voice…
jadi jelaslah kalo Ibu adalah Tiang Negara...
Penjaga Moral Bangsa...
Karena fitrah itu ada dalam dirinya
Hari pertama….
Legaaa…satu fasa tlah terlewati..benci dan rindu menyatu di hati…
Ups lho ko jadi nyanyi…hehehe…
Ya gitu d!
Melewati satu fasa…
Seharusnya menunggu hasilnya baru melanjutkan tahap 2
Tapi tampak terlalu mefet pisan kalo baru melakukan tahap 2 setelah tahap satu ketauan hasilnya.
It’s a long journey until the end of the road…
A lot of things should do
But I only have a short time to complete it…
Always…and always like this…
hari pertama kulewati dengan membuka file2 yang sudah kusimpan, membacanya kembali dan mencoba memberi catatan merah pada otaku untuk beberapa hal yang penting. Jangan sampai ada yang terlewat!!!!!!!!!!!!
there are some points I don’t understand…
I have to asked about it….